有关NIKON E2/SE/E 8X30/32的对比评测
引自权威观鸟论坛BIRDFORUM,作者为henry link,原链接为http://www.birdforum.net/archive/index.php/t-38202
I apologize in advance for the length of this post. I know only a few other obsessed optogeeks will wade through all this, so for you healthy ones here’s the short version: As others have already said, the Nikon 8x30 EII is an excellent binocular. Buy it while you can.
Mechanical Quality- Something that I was surprised to see is that the EII and the SE share most if not all of the same eyepiece and focuser parts. The eyepiece housings and bridges are exactly the same, and all the exterior parts of the focusers look identical. It was probably simply cheaper for Nikon to go with already existing SE parts than to produce new ones, which has a very happy result for the EII’s mechnical quality. I can testify that the focuser and eyepiece bridge on the SE are very durable. I have used a pair for almost 8 years and they work exactly as they did the first day. There is no wobble at all in the bridge and no play in the focuser. The diopter adjustment ring is identical on the EII and SE and while it doesn’t lock it has enough friction so that it reliably stays in place once it is set. The eyepiece parts on the 8x30 E are completely different and not quite as good. The diopter adjustment ring wanders about easily and the eyepiece bridge tends to rock a bit. It appears to me that the basic mechanical parts of the E were passed down largely unchanged from the earliest Nippon Kogaku models of the 50’s.
机械品质--令我吃惊的是EII和SE使用了几乎相同的目镜组和调焦部分,如果不能说是完全相同的话.目镜组的基座和连接梁就是完全相同的,而且所有调焦部分的外部部件看起来也一模一样的.这也许为尼康提供了一个降低SE成本的途径:使用已有的部件,而不必为SE专门设计.同时这也提升了EII的机械品质.我可以证明SE的目镜组和目镜连接梁是极为耐用的.我的那只SE已经用了有8年了,但是它们的表现还是和第一次一样的完美.目镜连接梁丝没有毫旷动,调焦也是一样顺畅.屈光调节在EII和SE上也是一样的.屈光调节有足够的阻尼,所以虽然没有锁定装置,但是只要是设定好了就不会漂移的.老款E8x30目镜组就完全不一样了,而且设计上也没这个好.E的屈光调节环容易漂移,目镜连接梁也有轻微的晃动.我觉得E的机械部分基本上就是毫无变动的继承自50年代日本光学(Nippon Kogaku)的老产品.
At the other end of the binocular the EII appears to use the very same eccentric objective cell as the one in the old E, so this particular part has probably remained unchanged for at least 50 years. The binoculars are collimated by rotating these cells and that method is supposed to be superior for maintaining collimation over time. Looking inside, the prism shelf of the EII appears to be a different one from either the E or the SE. The SE prism shelf looks reassuringly heavy duty, but I can’t say whether it is actually any more shock resistant than the other two. The SE also has a nicely baffled objective tube which is not present in the other two. I can’t see why the moving parts on the EII won’t be just as durable as those on the SE, since they appear to be the very same ones. However, the rubber armouring and perhaps the difference in the prism shelves should make the SE more shock resistant. I think the SE could also be a bit more water resistant since the back of its prism housing has a seamless rubber covering and the eyepiece tubes and prism housings are all one piece rather than the tubes being screwed into the housings.
不过在镜子的另一端,EII看起来是用了和E一样的物镜组,所以这个反常的物镜组没准也是有超过50年历史而没有被改动过的. 望远镜的光轴是通过旋转物镜组调整的,这种方法被认为是保持镜子光轴长期平行的好方法.EII的棱镜架看起来和E或者SE都不一样.SE的棱镜架最为粗壮,但是我不能肯定这就一定会使得SE抗震效果优于其它两个.SE还有一个非常不错的消光桶,而其他两只镜子就没有这么一说了.让我不太明白的是,虽然看起来就是一样的,可是EII的活动部件就是不如SE那么耐用.也许包胶和棱镜架的区别是使SE更抗震的原因吧.我觉得SE应该会更防水一点,因为整个镜肩是被完全包胶密封的,而且棱镜室和目镜组内管是一体的,这要比目镜组内管是用螺丝装配在棱镜室的上好很多.
Optics- The EII uses a cemented doublet objective with what appears to be the same or very close to the same focal length as the old E objective. It wouldn’t make much sense to produce a new objective only slightly different from the old one, so I suspect they are probably the same. I’ve measured the focal length of the E objective at around 110mm (about f/3.7) which makes it quite fast even by binocular standards. The SE also uses a cemented doublet, but with a focal length that looks to be about 130mm (f/4). These exact numbers may be a bit off, but I’m certain the focal length is much shorter in the E/EII compared to the SE. This unusually short focal length has some advantages and some disadvantages. Physically it allows the binoculars to be smaller and lighter. Optically it results in a smaller scale image forming at the focal plane of the objective. This smaller image allows these binoculars to have very wide fields without the need for large prisms and eyepieces. Because the EII has adopted the larger eyepiece housings of the SE it can have eyepiece optics with larger lenses and a wider diameter fieldstop than the E, so it’s field can be even wider. The optical trade offs compared to the SE are reduced eye relief from the shorter focal length eyepiece needed to produce the same magnification and higher levels of chromatic and spherical aberrations from the lower focal ratio objective (which may or may not actually be visible at 8X). Off-axis eyepiece performance should also be a bit worse because of the steeper light cone.
光学--EII用了双胶合物镜看起来和E有相同或非常接近的焦长.对于新的设计而言,和老产品只稍为有一点差别那是没有意义的.所以我猜他们也许就是一样的设计.我量了一下E的焦长,大概有110mm(大约是f/3.7),对于双筒望远镜标准来说已经是一个很紧凑的设计了。 SE用的也是双胶合物镜,但是焦长大概有130mm (f/4)。这些数字也许会有一些测量误差的,但是我确信与SE比起来E和EII之间的焦长差会更小。这种不寻常的短焦距设计是有利有弊的。这当然可以使镜子做得更小更轻。光学上,这短焦距设计使镜子在焦平面上的成像更小。这种小的成像本身就会使镜子有更大的视场,从而不必为此设计更大的棱镜和目镜组。因为EII采用了SE的大目镜室所以EII比E有更大的目镜组和更大直径的fieldstop,这使得EII比E有更大的视场。SE物镜焦距较长,E和E II为了紧凑而使用较短的焦距,但是就要有所牺牲。因为相同倍数需要用更短焦距的目镜,所以出瞳距离短了。而且短焦距物镜的球差和色差也会更严重类似的原因,目镜的离轴像差(边缘像质)也会有所下降。
I removed an eyepiece from each binocular to see what I could discover about their design differences. I have dissassembled the eyepiece of the E before so I know it is has 5 elements/3groups in a 2-2-1 arrangement. Looking at reflections of a light bulb returning from the elements I saw what I expected; 6 coated glass to air surfaces and two cementings. I was not keen to take apart the SE and EII eyepieces so I just tried to analyse the reflections I saw in them. The EII showed a somewhat diffrerent pattern from the E, indicating a changed design with what appears to be 8 coated surfaces and two cementings; so I think it has one extra element compared to the E. The SE was harder to read. I’m not sure, but I think it probably has 6 elements in 4 groups like the EII (but not the same design). I measured the field stop diameters as closely as my household measuring tools allow. The E fieldstop is about 15.8-16mm and the fieldstops of the EII and the SE are identical at about 17-17.2mm. These measurements tend to confirm that the focal length of the EII objective is about 110mm and the SE about 130mm The most interesting thing I discovered is that the eyepiece optics sets of the SE and EII are interchangable. You can simply drop the optics set from an SE into the eyepiece housing of an EII and vice versa. This opens up the possibility of some very interesting SE/EII hybrids. For instance, SE eyepieces placed into the eyepiece housings of a10x35 EII would produce the optical equivalent of an 8.5x35 SE. I think that could be an extremely nice birding binocular.
(Addendum: I played around with the hybrid idea today and found that it isn''''''''t workable. The EII eyepiece will drop into the SE focusing tube, but the cylinder that contains the eyepiece optics is actually about 1mm smaller in diameter than the SE cylinder so the fit is not tight enough for stable collimation. The larger SE eyepiece cylinder will not drop into the EII. I also noticed that there is a significant difference in the the workings of the eyepiece focusing tubes inside. The SE eyepiece cylinder fits snugly within its tube so that the cylinder and the tube slide against each other with a large area of contact. The EII eyepiece cylinder is smaller than its tube. At the end of the tube there is a thin ring inside which matches the diameter of the eyepiece cylinder and that is the only point of contact. I suppose a thin ring is perfectly OK just for keeping the eyepiece optics centered, but I would have to guess that the SE construction is more expensive. I should have looked at all this more closely when I wrote the original review.)
(后记:虽然我提出了换目镜组合的设想,可惜这个想法却无法实施。EII的目镜组是可以装进SE的调焦管的,不过EII的目镜组的直径比SE的要小1mm,所以无法紧密的贴合,因此光轴也就不稳定。而更大的SE目镜组是根本装不进EII的。我还注意到SE和EII的调焦管在做工上是有显著区别的。SE的目镜组和调焦管配合得极好,在整个调焦行程中都可以做到紧密配合。而EII的目镜组就比调焦管小一点。在调焦管的尽头有一个细圈和目镜组配合,这个接触面就是EII的目镜组和调焦管唯一的接触面。我想这个细圈因该可以有效地保证目镜组处于调焦管的正中了,不过我想SE的那种配合方式成本应该更高一些。 )
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-4-29 19:31:11编辑过]