< >那块怀表瓦斯还是库存全新的,比较少见的!摘段介绍朋友们看看</P>
< >在这里再一次介绍一些属于"瓦斯针"的故事,让大家更了解这知名手表."瓦斯针",瑞士知名手表,创立于1886年,并在50年代,已在中国有一定知名度,尤其是其军表,俗语有云"有了瓦斯针,不怕胡子深",在中印边境战争胜利时,中国军方就以这瓦斯表,来嘉奖胜利凯旋的有功军人.找对象时对方一看解放军有瓦斯针手表,即知道是这个师打过仗的干部,未娶女眷的干部成了驻地美貌女子首选的“白马王子”。所以出现了这句名言"有了瓦斯针,不怕胡子深".只要有了它,就是身份的象征,无论长相如何,都能抱的美人归!!! 也有传"瓦斯针"的夜光可以用来照着看书.虽然是夸张了一点,但"瓦斯针"的确在夜光表现非常出色. <br> <br> 瓦斯针(威斯特,华时针),west end 瑞士品牌,创办于1886年.以下是英文的简介。 <br> West End has traveled the world to sell watches since 1886. The old expeditions were never reliable. Nevertheless, whether by trains and boats from Geneva to Bombay, by yak over icy Nepalese passes, or seaplane to Japan, the watches always arrived safe and sound. Ticking reliably. To this day, West End watches are associated with adventure, reliability, and tradition.100% Swiss designed and manufactured. </P><br>