不认识Neil English的镜友,可以上https://neilenglish.net/自行观摩下,他也是猴哥最近大作的英文版译者,是圈内家喻户晓的人物,不认识只能说你还不在圈内。
论坛里的洋奴们,真的,英语还过得去的话,好好看看你们洋大人是怎么评价Made in China的。
国内拿芒线大作文章的,洋大人说I did pick up a very small and faint diffraction spike however, but deemed it largely non-injurious.
国内说锐度不行的,洋大人说I judged the central sharpness of the Banner Cloud to be every bit as good as the Habicht.
国内说星点不好的,洋大人人家说Star images remain nice pin points across the entire field. Indeed this binocular will delight stargazers who enjoy flat fields to monitor the heavens.
国内说一分价钱一分货的,洋大人说This new series of binoculars by Sky Rover represents the most highly advanced binocular that competes favourably with European brands costing several times their modest price tags.