上面的M6是加拿大R.E.L在1944-1945年制造的。在它的右肩上应有标识。资料可见:There are some odd markings found on REL binoculars, as noted in these
<br> C.G.B. 37 MA --- 6X30 ---70094-C (on one side); Graticule 5 Mils Apart
<br>--- R.E.L./Canada 1945 (on the other side). The case is also marked with
<br>Z.L & T Ltd. 1943 along with the number 2103. The military stock number
<br>is F1-001765 with the description of Binocular, M12 (Canadian) 6X30.
<br> 7X50 REL, carousel filter assembly on top, marked BOP.
<br>http://home.europa.com/~telscope/canada.txt |