(field)|(first)|(last)| (price) & (notes)
| 1907 | | First binoculars. "Mandrel drawn tubing of rolled magnalium", prism mounting German patent 192,762
4 x 16 | Binominia | 11deg | 1914 | | $36 CF. also monocular Monominia. FOV 193yd/1000yd. 8 oz., 7 oz. Price 'finished luxuriously', $44.
4 x 16 | Binominios | | 1912 | 1914 | CF. theater glass
4 x 16 | Binominos | | 1914 | | Same as Binominios, 20gm heavier
6 x 16 | Binotour | | 1914 | 1914 | CF
6 x 21 | Binodal | 8 deg | | 1919 | $40 IF. new design 1914. also monocular Monodal. 140yd/1000yd. 14 oz.
6 x 21 | Binolas | 8 deg | | 1919 | $45 CF. new design 1914. 140yd/1000yd. 15.5 oz.
6 x 21 | Militaris | | | | IF. also military version
6 x 24 | Binoli | | 1914 |~1926 | IF. also monocular Monoli.
6 x 24 | Binospo | | 1914 |~1926 | CF.
6 x 24 | Miliseis | | | | IF. also military version
8 x 24 | Binom | 6.5deg| | 1913 | $45 IF. also military version. 115yd/1000yd. 17 oz.
8 x 24 | Binomia | 6.5deg| | 1913 | $50 CF. 115yd/1000yd. 18 oz.
8 x 24 | Binoma | | 1914 | 1914 | heavier than Binom
8 x 24 | Binomat | | 1914 | 1914 | CF. heavier than Binomia
8 x 26 | Binom | | 1914 |~1926 | IF. also monocular Monom. same name as earlier 8 x 24
8 x 26 | Binoct | | 1914 |~1926 | CF. (K & E catalog, CF 8 x 1 3/16": 120yd/1000yd. 23 oz. $62.)
8 x 26 | Militocho | | | | IF. also military version
6 x 30 | Binot | | 1912 |~1926 | IF. also monocular Monot
6 x 30 | Binoxyd | | 1912 |~1926 | CF
6 x 30 | Marinos | | | | IF. also military version
10x & 12x models were in the catalogs with inconsistent names, and objective diameters varying between 42 and 46 mm.
12 x 46 | | | 1912 | | Military, no center rod
10 x 42 | Binoze | | 1912 | | no center rod, also military version
12 x 42 | Bizwe | | 1912 | | no center rod
10 x 46 | Binoze | | 1913 | | IF
10 x 46 | Binozito | | 1913 | | CF
12 x 46 | Binoforte | | 1913 | | IF
12 x 46 | Binofortim | | 1913 | | CF
10 x 42 | Binoze | | 1914 | | IF
10 x 42 | Binozito | | 1914 | | CF. (K & E catalog, 10 x 1 11/16": 88yd/1000yd. 32 oz. $78.)
12 x 42 | Binoforte | | 1914 | | IF
12 x 42 | Binofortim | | 1914 | | CF
10 x 42 | Marinodix | | 1915 | | Marine model
12 x 42 | Marinodoce | | 1915 | | Marine model, (12 x 46, 1984 info. list)
12 x 60 | | | | | Marine glass
15 x 60 | | | | | Wide angle, used for air defense
6 x 40 | Galile | | 1914 | | DM55. Galilean
6 x 40 | Galileos | | 1914 | | DM35. Galilean, military version
7 x 50 | Aviosept | 7.3deg| 1919 | 1931 | $90 in 1929. IF. 35 oz. Porro II. Monosept monocular version.
7 x 50 | Avioseptit | 7.3deg| 1930 | 1931 | CF. Porro II. 128yd/1000yd. 1215 gm.
10 x 50 | Aviodix | 5 deg | 1919 | 1931 | $110 1929. IF. 48oz. Porro II. Monodix monocular version.
10 x 50 | Aviodixit | 5 deg | 1931 | 1931 | CF. Porro II. 87.5yd/1000yd. 1165 gm.
12 x 60 | Avioforte | 4.3deg| 1919 |~1930 | $120 1929. IF. 60 oz. 75yd/1000yd. Porro II. Monoforte monocular version.
15 x 60 | Avionar | | | |
15 x 60 | Binovista | 3.5deg| 1920 | | $250 1929. Amici prisms, oculars angled 90 degrees. 60yd/1000yd. 22 lbs. with tripod. Finder scope.
30 x 90 | Binoplastico|1.5deg| 1920 | | $425 1929. Earlier 27 x 90. Amici prisms, oculars angled 90 degrees. 26yd/1000yd. 35 lbs.with tripod.
x 90 | Binotrix | | 1920s | $625 1929. 3 oculars on turret at 90 deg.: 25x, 40x, 55x; FOV 1.5, 1.2, .75 deg=25, 20, 13 yds. 38 lbs. w' tripod.
3 x 13.5| Binar |13.7deg| 1921 | 1950s| $45 1929. $87 1954. CF. FOV 24yd/100yd. 8 oz. Binarius & Binares have different case.
3 x 13.5| Bilustra |13.7deg| 1921 | 1950s| $50 1929. Gilt metal, colored lizard skin; also called 'Luxus'. Bilustrium & Bilustres have different case.
4 x 16 | Bitur | | 1921 |~1926 | Black
4 x 16 | Bimuliora | | 1921 |~1926 | Gilt metal, colored lizard skin; also called 'Luxus'
After 1925-1930, all models except miniatures were sold in IF and CF versions. "...it" at the end of the name is a CF model. All models were sold as monoculars,
with "Mon..." at the start of the name. In the 1950s, 5 letter code names were given to binoculars. In the 1960s, names were replaced by catalog numbers.
4 x 20 | Bitur |10.3deg| 1925 | 1959 | $49 in 1929. $90 1954 (1950s, called Fitab). Also monocular Montur (1950s Feabs, 1960s 41000) 180yd/1000yd.
6 x 15 | Bidal | 7 deg | 1925 | 1939 | $45 1929. 8 oz. 6 screw-on lens pairs, 1.2x to 7.5x, use as magnifier; 12 for monocular Mondal, 1.2x to 28.5x.
6 x 21 | Bisexit | 8.5deg| 1925 | 1931 | $50 1929. CF. 10 oz. 150yd/1000yd.
6 x 24 | Binol | 8.5deg|~1927 | 1939 | IF. also monocular Monol. 150yd/1000yd. 400 gm.
6 x 24 | Binolit | 8.5deg|~1927 | 1939 | $99 1954. CF. "6 x 25" from Leitz price list 1954. 15 oz. $53 in 1929.
6 x 30 | Bidox | 8.5deg|~1927 | 1962 | $108 1954. (1950s Fiabo, 1960s 40100). also monocular Mondox (Feadi, 41005). 150yd/1000yd. 17 oz.
6 x 30 | Bidoxit | 8.5deg|~1927 | 1962 | $66 in 1929. $114. 1954. CF. (1950s Fiteo, 1960s 40015). 150yd/1000yd. 19 oz.
8 x 24 | Bioct | 6.3deg|~1927 | 1939 | also monocular Monoct. 400 gm.
8 x 24 | Bioctit | 6.3deg|~1927 | 1939 | $56 in 1929. 15 oz. 110yd/1000yd. 440 gm.
8 x 24 | Bimax | 8.5deg| 1930?|~1935 | IF. wide field, 150m/1000m. 490 gm.
8 x 24 | Bimaxit | 8.5deg| 1930?|~1935 | $64 in 1929. CF. 15 oz.
8 x 30 | Binux | 8.5deg| 1927 | 1962 |$120 1954. $158 1961. 150yd/1000yd. 18oz. 1936 light wt. version(1950s Fiase,1960s 40105).monoc.Monux(Feagu,41015)
8 x 30 | Binuxit | 8.5deg| 1927 | 1962 | $72 in 1929. $126 1954. $168. 1961. CF. 21 oz. (1950s Fitfu, 1960s 40020)
8 x 30 | Bilom | 6.3deg| 1930 |~1935 | IF. 470 grams - lighter weight than Binux of the era; CF Bilomit 500 gm. 110m/1000m.
6 x 42 | Foreston | 7.1deg| 1927 | 1939 | also monocular Monoforest. 735 gm.
6 x 42 | Forest | 7.1deg| 1927 | 1939 | $80 in 1929. CF. 28 oz. 122yd/1000yd.
8 x 42 | Forestona | 6.3deg| 1927 | 1939 | also monocular Monoforsta. 735 gm.
8 x 42 | Forsta | 6.3deg| 1927 | 1939 | $85 in 1929. CF. 20 oz. (28 oz. 1929). 110yd/1000yd.
1932, production of Porro II binoculars ceased, models were redesigned as Porro I. 1936 to WWII, light weight versions of CF models were sold, named "...lei".
6 x 30 | Bidoxitlei | | 1936 | WWII | Light weight version of Bidoxit
8 x 30 | Binuxitlei | | 1936 | WWII | Light weight version of Binuxit
10 x 40 | Campar | 7.3deg| 1932 | 1959 | $171 in 1954. (1950s Fibib, FOV 6.9 degrees). Monocular Monocamp (1950s Feako, 1960s 41025). 128yd/1000yd, 29 oz.
10 x 40 | Camparit | 7.3deg| 1932 | 1959 | $177 1954. CF. (1950s Fitlu). 850 gm.
7 x 50 | Marsept | 7.3deg| 1932 | 1962 | $156 1954. $225 1961. (1950s Fibar, 1960s 40110). also monocular Monmar (Feafa, 41010). 128yd/1000yd. 33 oz.
7 x 50 | Marseptit | 7.3deg| 1932 | 1962 | $162 1954. $235 1961. CF. (1950s Fitge, 1960s 40025). 960 gm.
10 x 50 | Mardix | 5 deg | 1932 | 1962 | $165 1954. (1950s Fiblo, 1960s 40125). 87yd/1000yd. 33 oz. also monocular Mondix (Fealf, 41030).
10 x 50 | Mardixit | 5 deg | 1932 | 1962 | $171 1954. $225 1961. CF. (1950s Fitme, 1960s 40040). 940 gm.
12 x 50 | Campomar | 5.7deg| 1932 | 1949+| $183 1954. IF. 950 gm. 100m/1000m. also monocular Monomar.
12 x 50 | Campomarit | 5.7deg| 1932 | 1949+| $189 1954. CF. 970 gm.
8 x 60 | Marocto | 6 deg | 1932 | 1962 | $186 1954. $230 1961. (1950s Fibef, 1960s 40115). 1220 gm. 107m/1000m. also monocular Monocht (Feahu, 41020).
8 x 60 | Maroctit | 6 deg | 1932 | 1962 | $192 1954. $250 1961. CF. 1250 gm. (1950s Fitid, 1960s 40030).
10 x 60 | Decimar | 5.8deg| 1937 | 1959 | $186 1954. (1950s Fibob) 102yd/1000yd. 42 oz. also monocular Mondimar (Feams).
10 x 60 | Decimarit | 5.8deg| 1937 | 1959 | $192 1954. 1225 gm. (1950s Fitra)
12 x 60 | Mardoce | 4.3deg|~1939 | 1962 | $189 1954. (1950s Fibos, 1960s 40135). 75yd/1000yd. 42 oz. also monocular Mondoce (Feara, 41040).
12 x 60 | Mardocit | 4.3deg|~1939 | 1962 | $195 1954. $245 1961. CF. (1950s Fitso, 1960s 40050). 1225 gm.
15 x 60 | Campofort | 4.6deg| 1932 | 1962 | $198 1954. IF. (1950s Fibux, 1960s 40140) 81yd/1000yd. 44 oz. also monocular Monofort (Feauk, 41045)
15 x 60 | Campofortit| 4.6deg| 1932 | 1962 | $204 1954. $260 1961. CF. 1275 gm. (1950s Fitur, 1960s 40055)
Last half of WWII, military models were marked b e h . 1940, lens coating for binoculars. First models after WWII: 6x30 Bidoxit, 8x30 Binuxit, 7x50 Marsept.
1950s, binocular filters: haze, fog, light reduction, solar, lunar, high temperature (3 ranges:1200-1420, 1420-1620, 1620-1850 degrees), and a reticle.
3 x 13.8| Oberon | | 1952 | | $84 1954. Sprenger prisms, very thin. ('3.2 x 14' in 1984 info. list)
6 x 24 | Amplivid | 12 deg| 1956 | 1962 | $155 1959, $172 1961. (1050s, Fitbo) 2 mirrors & 1 prism, Leitz patent. 212yd/1000yd. Weight 12.5 oz.
1963, Trinovids introduced, production of all other models stopped. Trinovids use Uppendahl system, 3 cemented prisms. Internal focus. Produced for 27 years.
1965, B models, long eye relief & folding eyecups, later standard. 1975, C models, compact, internal focus. 1983 replaced by BC & BCA. 1981, A models (rubber).
Filters, available until 1973: yellow haze, orange, red orange, light red, red-green accentuated, 'Neophan', grey 90%, solar (99.99%), reticle (frame).
8 x 20C | Trinovid | | 1975 | 1982 | (40300).
8 x 20BC| Trinovid | 115 yd| 1983 | 1991 | $615 (40305). 8x20 BCA (40307,40309), 220 gm., near focus 3m., 6.6 deg FOV, 13.9 mm eye relief.
10 x 22C| Trinovid | | 1975 | 1982 | (40301).
10x 25BC| Trinovid | 95 yd | 1983 | 1991 | $645 (40306). 10 x 25 BCA (40308, 40310), 240 gm., near focus 5m., 5.4 deg FOV, 13.7 mm eye relief.
6 x 24 | Trinovid | 212 yd| 1963 | 1965 | (40201 & 40202 -- hard case & soft case). 15.5 oz. 11 feet near focus. FOV 12 degrees.
8 x 32 | Trinovid | 150 yd| 1963 | 1975 | (40206 & 40207) 17.3 oz.
8 x 32B | Trinovid | 130 yd| 1974 | 1990 | (40208). 8 x 32 BA, 1981-1990, (40237, 40001), 480 gm.
7 x 35B | Trinovid | 150 yd| 1965 | 1983 | (40216 & 40217) Near focus 16 feet. 18 oz.
7 x 35BA| Trinovid | | 1981 | 1983 | (40238 green, 40002 black)
8 x 40B | Trinovid | | 1969 | 1986 | (40221)
8 x 40BA| Trinovid | 128 yd| 1981 | 1990 | (40235 green, 40003 black). 590 gm.
10 x 40 | Trinovid | 122 yd| 1963 | 1975 | (40211 & 40212). 19.4 oz.
10 x 40B| Trinovid | 110 yd| 1974 | 1990 | (40228). 10 x 40 BA, 1981-1990, (40236, 40004), 590 gm.
7 x 42B | Trinovid | 140 yd| 1968 | 1986 | (40218). 23 oz.
7 x 42BA| Trinovid | 140 yd| 1981 | 1990 | (40234 green, 40006 black). 660 gm.
1990, Trinovids replaced except compacts. Ultras, Schmidt Pechan prisms, nitrogen filled, waterproof to 16 feet, internal focus. All rubber armored.
7 x 42BA| Leica Ultra| 140 yd| 1990 | | $1,365 (40240, 40013). 6.3m near focus, 17 mm eye relief, 8 deg FOV, 890 gm.
8 x 42BA| Leica Ultra| 130 yd| 1990 | | $1,365 (40239, 40012). 5.3m near focus, 15.9 mm eye relief, 7.4 deg FOV, 890 gm.
10x 42BA| Leica Ultra| 110 yd| 1990 | | $1,380 (40241, 40014). 10 x 42B leather cover (40229); 4.6m near focus, 13.9 mm e.r., 6.3 deg FOV, 890 gm.
7 x 20 | Leica | | 1992 | |
9 x 25 | Leica | | 1992 | |
8 x 32BA| Leica Ultra| 135 yd| | | 625 gm., near focus 3.25m.
8 x 50BA| Leica Ultra| | 1995 | | $1,295 Near focus 17 feet, nitrogen filled, waterproof to 16 feet.
10x 50BA| Leica Ultra| | 1995 | | $1,345 Near focus 15 feet, nitrogen filled, waterproof to 16 feet.
7 x 50 | Elcan |7.25deg| | | Leitz Canada, IF, 17mm eye relief, aluminum, immersion waterproof, FOV 130mils = 118yd/1000yd, weight 1130 gm.
The following are possibly German spellings of export models listed above: 6 x 30 Bidos or Bidox. 6 x 42 Bilux. 8 x 30 Bimar,Bimarit.
8 x 30 Binomon, Binomit. 10 x 25 Binozito. 10 x 50 Binozito. 8 x 60 Dilucar, Dilucarit.
References: Leica Collectors Guide. Price list, Cat. No. 8187a, G-2/54-AMP, E. Leitz, NY (1954) Price list No. 41-1R5, 5M 6-61 (1961)
Leitz Technishcher Katalog 1, Stand 1984. Catalogs: 1929 (M-1-29-B); 1911? (43J); 1931; Liste Fernglas 8528 VIII 53 DCX (1953)
This chart prints in Courier font, 8 point, on 8.5 x 11 paper, landscape format. home page: http://home.europa.com/~telscope/binotele.htm