本帖最后由 pcsms_sXd3NJfy 于 2022-7-19 11:21 编辑
1著名的 DF 10 × 80 FLAKGLAS (Flakfernrohr),带有 45° 倾斜目镜,三脚架光学系统,适用于 Wermacht:施密特棱镜 - 1000 米field122 米,这个我有拆解图,见https://german-smallarms.com/DF10_80_top.html
2不常见的 DF 10 × 80,具有 80° 广角目镜,用于海军,但也用于陆地 - Amici 棱镜,1000 米处field 131 米
后因80 度的过度倾斜,快速查别飞行中的敌机群能力并不出色,蔡司于 1941 年设计制造 DF 10 × 80 Kriegsmarine,可在U-Boats 的指挥塔上使用,用来发现并击落敌方轰炸机,也可以直接安装在高射炮上或用于远距离观察。倾斜 20°,目镜视场 7°,在 1000 米处122 米
后来,蔡司标消失,换blc,委托以下单位建造:Voigtlander & Söhne AG、Braunschweig Germany (ddx)、Optische Prazisions-Werke GmbH、波兰Warsaw Poland (eug) 和 Ducati, Italy (mrl),意大利的杜卡迪(摩托著名品牌大魔鬼),命名为“Bimar”,意为 BInocolo, Marino(海上双筒望远镜)。杜卡迪在1940 年代向德国供应了大约 450 具 BIMAR。战后继续生产了大约 150 具,在民用市场上出售。
Specifics: Type: Carl Zeiss Jena 10x80 -20° Year of build 1939-1940 20° inclinedeyepieces Objective lenses 80 millimeter diameter Porro prism 2 design Magnification 10 x Field of View 122 x 100 mtr (7°) Built in day & night filters Coated optics Length 54 cm ( 21½ inches ) Width 26 cm ( 10 inches ) Best optics available of all WWIIbinoculars 20° planked eye piece which is best forlooking at the horizon - 30° extreme range Open framed range finder and a port for thereticule illuminator Air drying system that is used duringmaintenance Caps for Desiccator that keeps fog awayfrom interior Large aperture for high resolution.Oversized prisms and large eyepieces (36 mm in diameter) Adjustable eyepieces for focus using thelevers on the eyepieces and the interocular distance adjustment using a sideknob Large rain guards fit around the 80mmobject glasses with sea water drainage holes Color lenses with night and day filteradjustments Two desiccator cartridges filled with gelto absorb moisture 规格:20度倾斜的目镜组,保罗2型棱镜设计,至于20度怎么实现的,可能用了平面反射镜还是特殊的半五棱镜?该机型历史介绍的pdf中图片也不够清晰,聊胜于无。倒数第2张象是半五棱镜拆装,倒数第3张象是一个平面反射镜。内行人能一眼看出。 http://www.binoculars-cinecollectors.com/BIMAR-Ducati-Appendix2.pdf
BIMAR The little known history of the Ducati 20° inclined 10x80 binoculars By Giuseppe Finizio Edited by Anna Vacani
更新:本帖子中Amici 棱镜(阿米奇棱镜)的光学原理图有兴趣可去望远镜在线视频 ,哔站有,非常直观形象,但作者禁止转载这里就不贴了。镜友如有别的链接可跟帖出。